There had been lots of complaint regarding the current Sony Alpha forum at It is an official Sony forum that is hosted by Sony Malaysia. The initial intention of building up this forum was to share the knowledge of photography as well as how to use your camera thingy. However, I must admit, that some of the people out there do want to find trouble to the forum. Well, being an official Sony forum, the trouble makers think that Sony will "officially" respond to their "complaints" and they started making lots of complaints. To me, if they have problems with their gears, if within the warranty period, they can just send back to Sony, and the Sony guys will replace/repair their gears without 2nd words. I still not understand why they make such a big noise in that forum ? To me, the big corporate wouldn't care to answer you, because you had bought their product. Your hard earn money had already channelled to their account, and they had made their profit. So, you got a faulty unit, or the lens coating is different with the others and caused "terrible flare" (as claimed by the "trouble maker") ? Too bad. "Please refer to the customer service." is the corporate standard answer.
Well, the AMC forum had diviated from its original intention as a Sony community with Sony as a backbone supporter, the Alpha GM of Sony had decided to create another independent forum, which will not be hosted by Sony itself, but by the community themselves. We totally agree with that, and being independent from Sony, we will have lot of freedom to do things without worrying about the corporate rule or copyright thingy.
Hence, I wish to intro to you guys, the new Sony Alpha DSLR community forum : And the seminar I attended last Saturday was specially created to announce this new forum to the Alpha owners.
Well, I am the Moderator for the, hence I'm automatically transfer as a Moderator for this new forum. Without being warn by George, the Sony Alpha GM, he introduced the Moderators to other by calling us standing in front for the audience. Being a malu person I am, I couldn't decide where to hide my hands. 囧
If you do notice, the famous lighting photographer Ted Adnan, and blogger smashpop are in the picture. Yes, they are the moderators of as well.
Well, if the seminar is all about introducing the new forum to us, we will be bored to death. George had included Ted's lighting talk as well as Macdude's car photography talk in the seminar. Ted is well known by his lighting skill, and Macdude is a car guy. Check out Ted's blog here in and Macdude's blog here in
Anyway, I had gone through the hard time when I first owned my A100 two years ago. And I'm glad that I am part of this community.
Of course, I'm not a staff of Sony nor Sony pays me anything to do the promoting. I am just sharing my experience, and if you happen to own a Sony DSLR, feel free to join us, and we are going to organise another outing soon. :D
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